All Pathways

This pathway explores the food industry from the farm to the table using skills in food science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. You examine production, processing, preparation, preservation, and packaging principles along the farm to table continuum. You will get a better understanding of how food technology affects the food that you eat.

Course Sequence

Foods and Nutrition I

Food and Nutrition II

Advanced Studies/CTE Internship

Industry Certification


Food Handler

List of schools

Butler High School Hopewell High School South Mecklenburg High School

College and Career Promise

Career & College Promise Dual Enrollment gives eligible North Carolina high school students the opportunity to get a “jump start” and earn college credit toward a two-year or four-year degree at Central Piedmont while still in high school. Tuition free. Click here to learn more.

What Should I Do Next?

Take the Junior Achievement Career Quiz here.

Talk to the Pathway Development Coordinator or Counselor at your school!